

Our FREE web browser extension / add-on blocks malicious websites, domains and links like a virtual firewall, protecting you from hackers and scammers. Our cyber threat intelligence is updated everyday, so every time you open your browser, you're protected from phishing attacks we've identified. We are currently protecting our users from 663528 active malicious websites.

Join our campaign against cyber threats, by installing our FREE web browser extension / add-on today to protect yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install the extension / add-on into my browser
Depending on the browser you are using, full installation instructions are available when you download it. If you need some help, please reach out to us on either Facebook or Twitter and we'll be happy to help.

I've installed the trial but nothing is happening. What is it supposed to do?
Our extension / add-on is not something you see. It sits in the background of your browser and waits for connections to be made to malicious websites and domains. If you click a link that we have deemed malicious, we intercept your connection and re-direct you to safety.

The best way to see it in action after installing it, is to try and visit suspiciouswebsites.com (we own that domain). With our extension enabled, you won't be able to reach it, turn it off and then you will.

What happens if I turn the extension / add-on off? Am I still protected?
No, you're not protected. We can't intercept traffic before it reaches any malicious websites we've identified.

I use more than 1 internet browser for different things, do I need to buy multiple licenses?
No. Our licensing model enables you to use the same license key on each browser of a single machine.

I want to install it on multiple laptops, do I need to buy more licenses?
Yes, our small license fee covers 1 piece of equipment (laptop, chromebook or desktop). So to use it on multiple machines, you will need to purchase multiple licenses. If you attempt to install the same license on multiple machines, this will invalidate your license and remove your cyber protection.

How can you prevent a phishing attack?

How do I know if the website I am visiting is a phishing attack website?

What is the impact of a phishing attack?

What is true about a phishing attack?

How do I report a phishing link to you?

What are the latest phishing emails?

How can I stop phishing emails?

What should I do if I receive a suspicious email?

Is there a phishing links list?

What should I do if I click on a phishing link?